The world is transforming rapidly. Hereto isolated rural areas are getting connected through the networks of communication. The process of linking initiated by colonization has gained momentum in the second half of the twentieth century. End of colonial era left the world closely linked than ever before. Newly liberated nations busied themselves in reconstruction and reformation of their impoverished rural agrarian societies. Rurbanization is a process of rural transformation. It is not yet caught attention urban planners but it is a prominent development process commonly witnessed in developing countries. Predominantly rural agriculture economy, forms of settlements, lifestyles, and social attitudes are changing and new rurban form is emerging. This paper describes some of the salient features of the process of rurbanization, indicates its origin, and discusses some of the effects the process has brought about. By borrowing metaphor from biology, one can describe suburban sprawl as process of grafting urban lifestyle on rural space. Rurbanization is a process of altering rural forms with pre-selected urban patterns and lifestyles, which creates new genetically altered rurban forms.
This paper is primarily based
on Indian examples. Briefly described here are examples of two small but
significant villages from the State of
Warna Nagar: In 1998 a group of 70 villages, with total population
of 200,000 was selected for implementation wired villages project by National
task force. Warana Nagar was already famous for its social and economic
development through cooperative movement. Starting with a Sugar factory some
four decades ago, the group soon diversified into dairy, retail marketing and
education. Started by a dedicated Gandhian leader Tatyasaheb Kore, this group
of villages offers an alternative development model. The engineering college
has become hub of this group. All the villages are installed with an
information kiosk which provides computer facilities and internet connectivity
with help of satellite. The villagers can access all their information needs
like bank transactions, marketing of their farm produce, tax and land records
all in local Marathi language. Waran Nagar villages already enjoy highest income
levels found in
Ralegan Sidhi: This drought prone village was
notorious for its illicit liquor, goondaism and vandalism until 1975.
Impoverished in last 100 years through the modern development which resulted in
soil erosion, depletion of water table, and erratic rainfall which dragged
Ralegan into a perpetual poverty cycle. It led to migration of some and
impoverishment of some which totally disrupted community life. It was a
hopeless situation when Anna Hazare, started working in Ralegan after returning
from his active military service. Anna's honesty and hard taskmaster attitude,
local ingenuity, people's grasp and understanding about the roots of the
problems, their openness in accepting ideas from all sources, and above all,
the collective response in taking up challenges of various schemes, brought
about dramatic overall transformation. Village was transformed through its
watershed and forest development, regenerated farms and dairy activity, and
education. It became a model of economic, social and psychological success.1
Punjab: With construction of dam at Bhakra Nangal, introduction of
high yielding wheat and rice varieties to the farmers, modern farming research
and technology and setting up of Punjab agricultural university soon after independence,
Punjab ushered in green revolution in India and made the country self
sufficient in food. The initiative came from the central and the state
government. Farmer’s cooperation in the period made such achievement possible.
Kerala: Unlike
Rurbanization: Historical background
is a third world phenomenon observed in some countries in
Rurbanization: What it is not.
is not to be seen as a universal, unidirectional, and standard process of
Its uniqueness is in its complexity, variety, flexibility, transformability and
adaptability. By its very nature it poses difficulties in measurability,
evaluation, and absolute value judgements. It can be perceived differently by
different observers and participants, thus poses challenges for easy
categorization. Prescription of standard formula is frequently employed for
rural change but the results have belied the hopes. One can equate the dilemma
of rural policy planners to that faced by contemporary urban and economic
planners in
Rurbanization: What it is, how it started.
is a slow, low-key change and growth process. The changes do not appear
dramatic or significant to start with.
The slow speed of change can be steady or uneven. Rurban activities have
remained undetected for a long time. They remain invisible to casual observers
as well as detached bureaucracy. When substantial changes take place they
appear dramatic and spontaneous to outsiders and hence attract attention. Small
examples of positive changes start chain reactions and experiments in other
places. The changes, many times are triggered by chance happenings, accidents
and experiments.
supporting the changes are sometimes of physical nature like addition of a
small irrigation scheme. They can also be ideas imported from other fields. At
times simultaneous actions by many actors in different directions get linked in
the process. Introduction of a particular variety of grain or plant becomes
successful and more people from the region start experimenting. Knowledge about
alternatives expands and provides many more alternative choices for the
individuals than were previously available.
Presence or
absence of urban activities in near proximity and type of activities located in
such centers create demands for rural products. Establishment of various rural urban
linkages and their capacities affect the potential growth of the rural
settlements. On the other hand detrimental urban activities trigger protests
from the rural communities and force certain concessions from the real
political, environmental, and economic constraints or availability of such
resources affect pattern of growth. Effective implementation of government
schemes under strict political vigilance facilitates growth. On the other hand
lack of it may inhibit growth but many times the changes can take place because
of lack of attention and obstructions from the state machinery.
processes can affect changes positively or they can also affect negatively.
Economic development programs designed by government play important role in the
rurbanization process. Development funds get allocated to certain proactive
groups that provide new directions. Certain places receive new projects because
they prove to be receptive to new experiments than others and promise better
and quicker returns. They eventually become new models for neighboring
Effects of
Rurbanization: Effects of rurbanization can be seen at three levels. Local,
regional, and state level. Changes are initiated in one field but effects are
reflected in different fields such as economic, social, political,
environmental, and physical.
economic changes appear to be the most significant. They are easy to identify,
measure, and compare. Growth in agricultural production of a village is a good
measure. Diversity of crops, mix of crops, agricultural yields, provide visible
signs of positive change. Availability of finance, technology, knowledge
inputs, insurance facilities all help the pattern and success of growth.
Economic changes lead, support but sometimes also inhibit social changes. (
Emphasis on
social change affects the economic choices. Level of general education,
education of women affects the population growth levels. Health care facilities
affect the age structure of society, which affects the economy. Similarly
social harmony can lead to a better management than the social tensions.
Socio-economic changes affect the physical conditions of the villages.
Introduction of services for the settlements such as drinking water supply,
drainage, electricity, physical transportation facilities and communication
facilities like telephone bring about the changes. On the other hand such
facilities great created because of the demand created by other changes.
Psychological effects of the change processes are triggered by the physical, economic, social conditions. People’s perceptions and expectations change. Changes in attitudes, views further the choices. Many times psychological changes become the driving force behind rurbanization. A circular causality is set in motion and new lifestyles bring new changes.
Regional effects: Many small scale changes
can take place in different villages of the region and they start getting
linked up to form strong regional bonds. Certain regions get identified as
examples of coordinated examples. Inter region movements get strengthened
simultaneously new links are established. Reginal migration patterns start
State or
national level effects of rurbanization and regionalization start reflecting on
the migration patterns of people. Rurbanization reduces the need of population
to migrate to the urban centers thus slowing down the growth rates of large
cities. Rurbanization can start the process of reverse migration. Due to the
revival of rurban economy people having ties with such areas start
re-establishing the links and eventually return the area. Economic flow is thus
affected by the process of rurbanization. Capital accumulation also starts at
local level and starts flowing back from the urban region on a larger scale.
Financial services start expanding. Information services like banking,
internet, insurance services start location in the rurban areas.
regions attract new industrial capital. Policy of decentralized industrial
growth supported by government facilitates the rurban regions to diversify
their economic base.
Rurbanization and regionalism.
Rurbanization and regional growth are closely linked. Enhanced agricultural
production and common products of the region attract industries related to the
same. Agricultural production of sugar cane in a region supports the sugar
industry. Production of milk provides the basis for dairy industry. Similarly
cotton, grains, fruits attract processing industries thus creating industrial
and service sector employment. Regional Agricultural Universities concentrate
on the regional agricultural research and production. Common regional
identities emerge out of the rurban growth. From planning perspective the
region as a unit rather than settlement or village appears to be more in tune
with the scale and pattern of growth. Inter regional flows also establish
linkages through coordination of policies. Multi-centric and diffused pattern
of growth, diversified economic activities, networking, urban rural linkages
strengthen and support region formation process.
regeneration, and revitalization: Rurbanization is a regenerative process.
Before the colonial rule the rural communities were more or less self-sufficient
albeit at a much lower level of consumption. The pattern of life was totally
disrupted and old production forms were completely destroyed which had
psychologically affected the people. Through some of the rurban processes some
of the traditional skills, crafts and production is regenerated. Old production
centers are rediscovering and transforming themselves. With the help of
expansion of market and communication facilities confidence is restored to the
people. Rurbanization is also helping people look for local technical solutions
for their environmental problems. Much of the rural landscapes and lands were
destroyed due to de forestation, which had affected the depletion of precious
resources like water and top soil. Destruction of forest also had affected the
economic well being of the society, which had depended on the biomass for most
of its basic needs of fodder for animals and fuel for domestic use. Depletion
of water table is a common phenomenon observed in most of the regions in
has one more important aspect about it. It is an empowering process. The
economic, social, physical and psychological regeneration takes place with
active role and creative support of the local population. Knowledge of local
people, their traditional practices, stories related to past, history embedded
in the memories of the population all play an important role in the new rurban
formations. Participants actively get involved in planning, implementation
process. They also generate feedback and corrective measures. Their active role
in decision making is decisive factor. This process is basically different than
the modern planning processes. Planning experts are consulted on technical
matters. Their advisory role is also found important for the rurban process.
However the decision making rests with the active participants of the process.
Decisions are based on the needs of the people rather than the needs of the
specialists and theory based bureaucratic norms. Pragmatic approach to problem
solving emerges out of such process. It is location specific and particularly
suitable to the unique situation in time and space. This process empowers the
people rather than the specialists or the bureaucracy or the state. An
essential realization emerging out of this process is about the role played by
women. In Indian tradition women were rarely consulted on public matters. Most
of the decisions made by the local or higher level authorities have no
knowledge about the adverse effects the detached planning decisions have had on
women, children and families. Their basic and fundamental needs are not
reflected in the traditional planning activities. But most of the successful
examples of rurbanization are made possible due to active role women played in
it at each stage. Participation of women in rural level decision making in
Urbanization and rurbanization:
is an emerging and potentially most important transformative process, observed
in few pockets of the large third world, developing countries. It is
fundamentally a process of transformation of rural areas by introduction of
certain urban characteristics. It brings about differential growth patterns.
However it is not based on the domination paradigm (domination of man over
nature or state over citizens) and is fundamentally not an exploitative
process. It is more of a regenerative, restorative and revitalizing process.
Its emphasis is on healing the wounds suffered during the colonial rule. It positively
affects people and environment. Its emphasis is on judicial consumption of
resources. It combines traditional knowledge and practices with modern
technology. It is a distributive and participatory process, which brings about
changes in the lifestyles of participants. Modern technologies such as
telecommunication and information technology can further and strengthen the
process. It has potential of combining local actions with a global vision.
Future oriented rurbanization can make the world a better place to live.
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1 Ralegan Siddhi : A Model for Village Development by Dr Ramesh Awasthi and Dashrath K. Panmand. An introductory book that chronicles the development of Ralegan Siddhi and Anna Hazare's contribution to the process.
1 Indian
express news item,
reffered on
[i] Business
[iii] Unlike the utopian idea of urban planner’s of the last century.